January 18, 2006

Welcome Home (Metallica)

Do you know what dogs do when you take them out of a crate they have been couped up in for over 10 hours? Well, our little Princess Kyra Fay aka Ky was taking a poop before she was even out the door of the Arlanda airport! My sister in law Carina was right there with a poop bag. You gotta love your fellow dog owners! They are always prepared for such emergencies.
We finally arrived in Stockholm. We only had a 6-8 hour drive to get home. My mother in law rented a U-Haul (or the Swedish equivalency) for the crates and luggage. The dogs were happy to be out of the crates but were wondering where the hell they were when we were putting them in the car. The trip was emotionally and physically draining, but we were finally home.

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