January 19, 2006

I Saw It On TV (John Fogerty)

We live in a very rural area. Cable isn't available, but satellite tv is. If you don't have cable or a dish, you have 3 channels. 1,2 & 4. Interestingly enough, you have to pay for a license to watch these. If you don't and "The Man" finds out, you could be fined.
I remember as a kid trying to stay up until the tv station shut off. After Wolfman Jack and the Midnight Special, the station would stop broadcasting. All that was displayed until the station came back up was a screen that looked sort of like a radioactive sign and a constant annoying "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!" The stations we have here are the same. Sometimes I turn on the tv at 8am in the morning and the station isn't on yet.

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